
Red Ocean Infobase has been built as a methodological tool and a major resource for our research work and our missions as consultants for the benefit of large industrial companies, innovative SMEs, and international investors.

Our uniqueness lies in our ability to accurately identify and assess the role of political decisionmaking on economic orientations in Xi Jinping’s China, and its impact on the strategies of the country’s major companies.


Business Case n°1: An industrial group specialized in robotics wishes to review its strategic plan for China by introducing the political hazards that may occur in the next 3 to 5 years, combined with a study on the evolution of the major local players over the same period. We offer to weigh the existing roadmap against the real strategic orientations of the government at the central level, and the effectiveness of their implementation at the local level, and within the Chinese companies of the sector.


Business Case n°2: An aeronautics SME wishes to reconfigure its entry mode on the Chinese market and, if necessary, recalibrate its global offer accordingly. We carry out two assessments: one on the genuine openness of local ecosystems towards new foreign entrants in the coveted segment, and the other focused on the possible distortions of competition that could impact the achievement of financial and operational objectives.